Good Day Sunshine is the newest Challenge at Poppystamps.
For me, some of my favorite Sunshine/Summer memories involve ice cream.
Our Papa would take us to the Dairy Mart, and I would get a double soft serve cone (single cone with two different openings at the top for the ice cream. I would get one side chocolate and the other vanilla. Also, after evenings spent at the hot, steamy baseball fields, my Mom would take us for ice cream or sometimes even a Root Beer Float at A&W. I also loved when we would make homemade ice cream on my Grandma's carport, especially with the upgrade to the electric machine, so that my arm didn't feel like it was going to fall off from cranking for hours.
So needless to say, my Good Day Sunshine card features some ice cream. I used one of my purple gelliprints to die cut the ice cream, and I added a bit of ink to the cone to bring out the embossed texture from the Poppstamps Grand Whittle Ice Cream die.
To keep it Clean & Simple for the Addicted to CAS Summer Challenge, I only added a few tiny gems and a sentiment from PoppyStamps Colorful Life.
And the purple ice cream was chosen for dearest Lindsay at the L is for Sister Lindsey Challenge at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers (the sentiment could be said with a bit of snark if you wanted to take it that way LOL).