For the past 11 days, I've been having fun with Catherine Rains free Collage Joy Taster Class.
We started the class by making a variety of papers to use for collage using only a two paint color palette. It was fun pushing myself to get the color values I needed to get the contrast in the collage exercises.
We started the class by doing aseismic writing and focusing on our intentions as we wrote. This was really fun for me trying different paint pens and papers.
Next we chose a two color paint pallete together with black, white and gold paint and did a paint palette exercise (which I forgot to photograph). It was fun working with different percentages of the various paints when I combined to see how many colors I could make.
The first paper was made using Crayon resist and a single color to try to achieve a light, medium and dark color value. I used the Punchinella Stencil by Julie Balzer for The Crafter's Workshop.
It was fun seeing the effects with the paints. The fourth sheet was where I wiped off the paint from my paint brush.
The next technique was a bit messier, but yielded wonderful texture on the paper. I used a wood glue applicator to achieve the patterns in the paint.
Next we did layers of paint and then splattered with water. I had no idea acrylic paint could product a water reactive result ... it was probably my favorite paper.
Finally, we did a technique with paint and marbles. I went shopping after work to try to find marbles, but had no success, so I grabbed a bag of gum balls to try. I probably should have used acrylic ink or thinned my paint a bit more, but I still loved the end result.
The first one combined my Naples Yellow paint with gold paint.
The next one used Quinacridone Magenta paint with a bit of leftover gold rolled in
Next we went through an exercising of sorting papers between light, medium and dark and then did our first collage exercise. I really liked the process of laying down the larger pieces and then connecting those pieces always focusing on getting contrast between the adjoining pieces. I through in a few gelliarts prints that were done in my color palette for visual interest.
Next we did the same exercise using colors from a magazine. I had purged a lot of my magazines (oh the constant struggle between keeping for future use and keeping my studio manageable), but I found one that worked. Some of the colors were from a Wicked Photoshoot. I really liked how this one turned out. I'll likely try more of this exercise when I get more magazines.
And finally, we did a pair of 3" collages using just several colored papers and some of the writing papers. The assignment was to use the same papers, but make the two collages different in sizes, orientation, etc.
I love the challenge of this small palette size (perfect for cardmaking.
I really enjoyed trying something different and thinking about how I can incorporate what I learned into my art making process ... so much fun.