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July 21, 2021


Kathe Deck

I love this one! Multi-challenge cards are one of my favorites to create, but it's been a long time since I put one together. Other than the CAS part, you nailed the others!

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Love the mix of strips along with the critter! Thanks so much for your entry at Sketch N Scrap this month! :)

Maria A Rodriguez

I love the awesome DSP you used for your stripes, and the way you combined all of these challenges to create this super cute and colorful card.
Thank you for playing with us at RETRO RUBBER and SHOPPING OUR STASH.
Stay healthy and safe.
Maria/DT on both challenges.

D Idlet

Cute card, love the praying mantis, it is so cute. Thank you for playing along with Retro Rubber Challenge Blog.

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Anna Patricia c. Mahtani

What a fantastic card! I love the way you used the coordinating colors of washi for the background!
Thank you so much for joining our A Blog Named Hero challenge!
Anna @Crafty Anna Studio
A Blog Named Hero Design Team

Tammy Thorman Folk

What a super cute card! I'm lovin' all the colors and the grasshopper is absolutely adorable! Thanks for playing along with us at Sketch N Scrap this month.


Cute card! Thanks for joining the A Blog Named Hero challenge.


So awesome! I love your use of washi and the wee bug!
Multi challenges, one card....awesome!!
Thanks for "bugging out" with the crew from SHOPPING OUR STASH!

LeAnne Pugliese

LOL....just seeing this little praying mantis on a card makes me giggle! So fun and how about all those challenges! Woohoo! Thanks for making the Retro Rubber one of them!


Oh my goodness....what a cute card! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap

Lisa in Texas

Wow! What a fun card, love how you used the washi! Thanks for joining us at Sketch n Scrap!

Lauren Bergold

oooooooh! i really really love this... the tape... the cuuute bug... the sketch; this is the PERFECT combo of challenges, imo, i love how each one added something special to the finished card! ♥♥♥

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Jingle Belles


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