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April 18, 2020



Love this, Stef! What fab packaging and a great way to use it. Thanks for joining the sisters for this challenge, Jo x

sister chelle

Great card and even though I do not like coffee, that box is awesome.

Barbara G.

What a great decorated box, and so perfect for the challenges. Love the sentiment, I'm always looking for cool coffee sentiments. Super job upcycleing and joining us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers for the U is for Upcycle challenge.

Lindsey M-P

I think it's great that you like to start your Saturdays with us! Snark is very important these days, I think. What perfect packaging for a coffee-fueled snarky card! Thanks for joining the fun with us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!


Ohhhhhhh yesssss this is so amazing!!
And thank you for starting your Saturdays with the sisterhood!
Fab upcycle of your packaging, so perfect for crafting!
Thanks for upcycling with Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers!!

Helen A Hollinger

Awesome upcycling! LOVE that box and your card!!Thanks for joining us at Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

Bobby Hagen

Way to upcycle that wonderful box, Stef. The tags and images were a great way to use the colors. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Just Us Girls.

Julie Peddicord

This is AWESOME upcycling!!! Love it. Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.

Chris Dring

Starting your Saturday morning by visiting the SOSS blog gives Edna and the Sisters all the warm fuzzies! Your upcycled card is all sorts of amazing! Thanks for playing along at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

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Jingle Belles


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