Yesterday was spent replacing my desktop computer tower. Apparently it decided to try to do its own Windows update in the middle of the night and crashed mid-update leaving me in an endless blue screen loop. I knew the time was coming eventually, but I was forced to just deal with it.
Thankfully setting-up a computer has improved tremendously since the last time I did it, so I was up and running quickly. While I went to pick-up my computer, I also stopped at Michael's which is nearby and picked-up their glittery Christmas Tags for this year. I always like to stock-up on them because they are perfect for non-cardmakers to create when when we do our annual Christmas Card party at work (we make cards to give to local nursing home residents ... always fun for me to help a big group make cards).
So, when I saw today's Day 14 of the 25 Days of Christmas Tags post, I knew exactly what I wanted to make with one of the glittery Mitten Tags in my stash. I was inspired by Carol's adorable Mitten Tags.
I started with my Mitten Tag and added a gem to cover the hole at the top for the string. Next I went searching for some cute designer paper to use for my tag.
Instead of a snowflake, I used a couple of Christmas stickers to decorate my mitten and then finished with some coordinating ribbon.