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March 09, 2019


Lindsey M-P

Oh how I love your first card! (And the way you used the card sketch... SO much better than mine. :D) And yes, that sentiment was also perfection for your unicorn! Amazingly cute and sassy sticker. Thanks for joining the fun at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

Dawn T

Very cute cards Steff. Love the ombre background. Great sentiment.
Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday this week.
Dawn ~ DT

Barbara G.

My fav. colour purple and it makes a beautiful background, great use of the sketch and the unicorn card is so cute. Thanks for playing along with us at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers for O is for Ombre.


Two brilliant cards. I love that sentiment, perfect for both. Thanks for sharing the first with us at SOSS


Haha! Great cards.

Tristan Goldsmith

Steff, you just made me snort my coffee - love that sentiment and great shading for the ombre effect. Thanks for joining us at the WatercoolerWednesday Challenge this week. Tristan DT.


Ohhhhhh I am totally diggin' all the purple in your cards...and those golden girls...some on now!
And that unicorn butt???
Then that sentiment!!
Love love love
Thanks for getting your ombre on with Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers!

Kathryn G Ricks

Both cards are fun! Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday Challenges!

Jan M

Wow, two fun cards! I love your ombre background Kathryn and how it highlights the hair styles in your first card. Thanks for sharing with us at Just Add Ink this week.

Kim Badelt

Well what a fun and quirky sentiment Stef - I love both cards, very different, very unique and very purple! Thanks for joining us at Just Add Ink this week. Kim

Dotty Jo

Fabulous cards, Stef! Love them both. Thanks for playing with the sistahs again, Jo x

Michelle Kuijer

Love both cards, the sentiment and the ombre. Thanks for joining the sisterhood this week.


both of these crack me up! Thanks for joining us at SOSS!


I love your cards. The Ink Road is awesome for snarky stamps!

Jane Willis

Stef, you *may* wish to go back to SOSS and check today's winner's post #justsaying

Jan Elmore

At our house we say, "Hey...we can hire a professional or we can just do it right ourselves!
Just glad I wasn't drinking milk when reading your card!!!

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Jingle Belles


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