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December 30, 2013


Rebecca Ednie

Here's a tip. As long as the puffy stickers and the overall card are less than 1/4" thick then you can still mail it for regular postage! Might need an extra stamp but it won't need package rates.

You might want to place a piece of packing tape over the inside of the envelope to help the machines not tear through (but not look ugly since it seems you are selling it) which you can do if you make it yourself or add a sheet of Cardstock over them which unfortunately adds thickness which isn't good if it's quite close. Even if it measures over 1/4" on your desk, they are puffy so will compress through the machines.

So take it to the PO and have them put it through their magic slot. (I even managed to get an old one when the lengths changed slightly but the thicknesses didn't. Can't hurt to ask.) And I think you can buy them or you could have one made if you do this a lot. You just need plywood and a router with the right bit/tip.

Now that we've gotten da bidness outta da way, it's a great use of the sketch. Love that background paper. Subtle but very NYC! Thank You for playing with us at Unscripted Sketches this week! I hope you will join us next week!


I like both cards! Since I adore the Hero Arts newsprint skyline stamp, I'd have to say that one is my fav--especially w/the yellow taxis. Too cute! Wonder which one he picked? :)

Kimberly Wiener

Steph! This is absolutely adorable, LOVE it. PERFECTION in use of the puffy stickers and the lovely tone on tone city NYC images, COOL STUFF!!!

Thanks so MUCH for adding this to the Sketch it Saturday gallery at the Unscripted Sketches Challenge Blog.
Happy New Year Stephanie, so excited and can't wait to see MUCH more of your work!!!

-Hugz Kimberly

debbie standard

What a fabulous take on the sketch Steph! I LOVE this! Thanks for playing!


Love the puffy card, Steph! Of course, my hubby is from Chicago so maybe you can change the pizza to a bagel?
Just kidding ;)

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Jingle Belles


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