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November 03, 2013


Virginia L.

Gorgeous, gorgeous card, Stephanie! I adore the collage that you created. I know Cath will appreciate such an artful card! Well done!

Helen F.

Oh Stef, your collage is beautiful. What a great way to honor the Moxie Fabiest, Miss Cath :)

Nancy Penir

Moxie Fab for sure!

Miss Iowa

Totally fab!


Wow, what a stunning collage! I really love the look of this , all the images and colors go together perfectly. Thank you for joining us at STAMPlorations!


OH MY MOXIE FAB, as i believe miss cath will say! what an ♥AWESOME♥ card all-round and i cannot possibly imagine a better take on the inspiration pic. wow♥WOW♥wow!!!!!! (& also WOW!!!)


WOW...this is awesome!

Marlena M

Oh, this is incredible! I love it~




Oh my WOW! What a masterpiece you have created. I'm sure Cath will love it. Hugs Bev x


Thanks so much for this beautiful collage, Stef! That Marcel Proust quote is one of my favorites! I used to have it hanging in my classroom, and it's something that I aspire to every single day. It's all just so beautiful!

I can't tell you how much I have loved getting to know you over the years. Every time you entered a challenge, I knew I was going to see something fun and unique! I am so inspired by your enthusiasm and passion for life and this craft, and I am grateful for all the love and support you have shown me and the Moxie Fab World. Thanks for everything, and I'm sure I'll see you around the 'net, my moxie fab friend! :)


Ahh, this is a fab collage, Stef. Very chic, very moxie fab!


vicki dutcher

What a fabulous collage! You did an awesome job on this~

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Jingle Belles


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