We ate breakfast at the hotel Sunday morning. Lauren brought along some delicious dried cherries, which were the perfect add-in to our oatmeal. After that we headed out to go explore some museums, but as we rounded the corner on 6th Avenue, this is what we saw (and heard) coming down the street.
It was a NYC Police Department parade complete with color guard and bagpipes. We never did figure out the occasion for the display, but we think it may have been to celebrate the new class of graduates from the police academy.
After the last officer marched buy, we headed to the subway to take us to the Guggenheim Museum. Since I watched the Ken Burns film about the life of Frank Lloyd Wright, I have really wanted to experience this place in person, and it didn't disappoint.
Unfortunately, no pictures in this museum either except from the ground floor.
The words on the posts were part of the "Contemplating the Void" exhibit in which the Guggenheim Museum invited nearly two hundred artists, architects, and designers to imagine their dream interventions in the rotunda space.
The main exhibit was a photography exhibit called Haunted. We decided to start at the top of the museum and work out way down (which it turned out meant we viewed the exhibit in reverse order) ... it was such an amazing view to be able to see art 360 around you ... truly magical for me.
After that, we headed to Cafe Fledermaus in the basement of the Neue Galerie. We had delicious Gulaschsuppe mit Erdäpfeln (Goulash Soup with Potatoes), Spätzle mit Schwammerln, Erbsen, Karotten & Estragon (Spätzle with Wild Mushrooms, Peas, Carrots and Tarragon), and Brezen & Händelmaier‟s (Pretzel with some of the best mustard I've ever had ... I refrained from licking the bowl). We drank some delicious Mango – Ingwer Eistee (Mango-Ginger Iced Tea) ... and of course, we had to have dessert.
Yes, these tasted even better than they looked. We tried the Rehrücken (Chocolate Marzipan Cake with house made Orange Confiture) and Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Chocolate Cake with Cream & Cherries) ... both scrumptious.
After our tummies were full, we headed to The Met to walk it off. Here Lauren & I are hanging out with a Sphinx.
This was the most comprehensive museum I have ever experienced ... art from so many countries and periods. This Tiffany Fountain was amazing.
Even the storage at The Met was gorgeous.
I loved the modern art exhibit. Here's Lauren hanging out with Mao.
and me with Lucas (by Chuck Close).
One of my favorite exhibits was a collection of works by Richard Hamilton.
After The Met, we walked to Ciao Bella for some delicious gelato. We did some window shopping and stopped in Dean & Deluca before boarding the subway to head back to the hotel.
We decided on Hungarian food at Dervish for supper. We had a wonderful meal of stuffed eggplant, stuffed grape leaves, and an appetizer sampler.
Another fabulous, and very full day, exploring NYC.