I'm still having fun gel printing my way through January.
Day Six was Double. I decided to do a double-print using the same floral stencil for both. Here is the first print.
and I did a second.
For Day Seven's theme of Ghost, I pulled a floral ghost print from the paint that was remaining on the plate.
For Day 8 Love, I chose The Kiss Mask by Elizabeth St. Hilaire for Joggles ... and of course I had to use some metallic gold paint to pull the print.
I tried some Crayon Resist for Day 8 ... the result was a bit lackluster, but they can't all be winners. I still like the print, even though the resist is less visible than I intended.
Day 10 was Outside, so I went outside to find something to print with. I found this piece of pine foliage leftover from Christmas, and it worked perfectly.
For Day 11, I chose some shorts that I had Worn before they became too big and moved into the gelliprinting resource box. I never tire of seeing the pocket on the plate.
Day 12 is Kitchen, so I went searching through the drawers and found this frosting spreader that I've had in my kitchen since the 80s. Today it was perfect for using the serrated edge in the paint on the plate.
I hope you're enjoying my January Gel Printing adventures.